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Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Jim Morrison For Sale — Author Denise Sullivan on his “Paris” Notebook & Life Before the Doors

Jim Morrison in ParisJim Morrison’s “Paris” notebook was offered for sale at auction (Lot 68: in Southern California yesterday, selling for a reported, but unverified price of $200,000.
The notebook that the auction house describes as an “important handwritten notebook containing over 100 pages of poems, philosophy and general musings,” was in fact not compiled during Jim Morrison’s final days in Paris, as the initial catalog descriptions of the item suggested. Rather, the notebook dates back to an earlier period in the singer and poet’s writing life, in what music journalist Denise Sullivan calls the “pre-Doors dawn” of Morrison’s life, when he was still a film student at UCLA.
Denise Sullivan, the author of the upcoming Jim Morrison biography, Shaman’s Blues (2014, Sumach-Red), wrote about the significance of the recently auctioned notebook in a recent article on her website. The following is a brief excerpt of a fascinating post:
It is time to retire the persistent media portrait of the artist as a semi-dimensional party dude with a quasi-mystic side. My forthcoming book, Shaman’s Blues, The Art and Influences Behind Jim Morrison and the Doors, to be published early next year, attempts to cancel some of the old notions, and replace them with the source of Jim’s ideas and what he was creating with his body of work. I went in search of the building blocks that make his songs and poems meaningful to each new generation, his messages, and even his meanderings, still relevant to listeners in the 21st Century.
Read the rest of Denise Sullivan’s article on her website: Jim Morrison For Sale —


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